What is this?

An indigenous community can be defined as a unique set of individuals, such as a tribe, nation or other distinct group, who share specific rights and responsibilities that connect them to a distinct culture, history and land base, or “territory”. They are self-determined and self-governed, linked through social kinship and/or spiritual beliefs, and view themselves as distinct from other groups in the larger society. Indigenous communities also emphasize the collective management of resources and collective decision-making models that take into account democratic ideals and local needs. Such communities have experienced centuries of colonization, exploitation and discrimination which have disrupted their social and cultural continuity.

See also: indigenous people, cultural supremacy, mental health, human right, climate change

Deep Adaptation Q&A with Vanessa Andreotti hosted by Jem Bendell 4,528

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Vanessa Andreotti (Stage 3 - Nurturing the Soil) 518

Dirk Messner und Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti im Gespräch – Intern. Fachkonferenz ESD Expert Net 383

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